Yakov Barton
About The Therapist: Dr. Yakov Barton is a clinical psychologist and founder of Oakland Psychological Services in Oakland, California. He specializes in treating trauma through evidence-based methodologies including EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing.) Dr. Barton earned his PhD from Columbia University.
NED’s Sessions
Ned is a married professional in his 50s who has been with his husband (15 years his senior) for more than 30 years. On July 4, 2020 his husband suffered a massive heart attack while kayaking, but survived thanks to quick access to care. His husband had two subsequent near-fatal bouts of internal bleeding. These events left Ned shaken and forced to imagine living life alone. He sought out Dr. Yakov Barton to help address these traumas and others that he's lived with for much of his adult life.