Trauma is Like a Ripe Orange - Yakov Barton & Ned #2

During their second session, Dr. Yakov Barton introduces Ned to some EMDR techniques to lay the groundwork for future sessions. Ned has already experienced a quick win with a 5-minute exercise called the Flash Technique. He hopes EMDR will help him work through his debilitating driving anxiety due to a traumatic car accident.


Some traumas are like a ripe orange: about to fall off the tree, but still attached. Sometimes all they need is a little tap.

Trauma is a process and can be healed, but a lot of people don't know that what they're suffering from is connected to trauma.


The way we experience trauma gets imprinted on our nervous systems. No matter how old the trauma, negative fears and beliefs get trapped in a time capsule in our mind and bodies until processed. Dr. Barton asks Ned, “What's the distorted negative belief or the fear belief in that moment that stuck with you in some way?” This self-reflection helps get to the root of why the trauma persists beyond the event.

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The Flash Technique - Yakov Barton & Ned #2 (BONUS)


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