Not Signing Up for That Game - Lisa Hirsch & Ann #5

Ann, who was previously engaged, wants to find a romantic partner who values the vision she has for her life. Lisa and Ann discuss dating, navigating being single among others who are in relationships, feeling lonely, and the value of being single versus unhappily partnered.

Key Takeaway

In relationships, there doesn't always have to be a “bad guy” for things to end or just fade out. Sometimes, it’s just not a match.

Exercise & Reflection

The road to finding a life partner can be lonely, and the fear of being alone can lead to staying in a relationship that isn’t the best match. As Lisa and Ann discuss, not every relationship will crash and burn – sometimes you realize it’s just not a match. It’s okay to move on and spend time considering what you need and want, rather than rushing into the next attraction.

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Trauma is Like a Ripe Orange - Yakov Barton & Ned #2


Does This Hold Water? - Lisa Hirsch & Ann #4