I Want This Monkey Off My Back - Yakov Barton & Ned #1

Ned begins an EMDR treatment to address trauma related to his and his partner’s health struggles, plus the grief of losing his mother — all within a span of two years during the pandemic.

While Ned faced bladder tumor surgeries, his husband had a sudden heart attack and surgery for a colon tumor. Ned understands that he’s been suppressing his emotions from that difficult time, and wants to address his deep fear of being alone.


“Really sad, scary things happen that are nobody’s fault.”

“Trauma doesn't have to be a war or a bad car accident or all the things we think of as classical PTSD. Basically, anything that creates a fight-or-flight response can lead to this imprinting on the nervous system.”


EMDR work begins with writing down a Top 10 List (or more) of all the trauma you’ve experienced. Working with a trained therapist, you’ll consider the most disturbing, charged memories that happened while you were a child, an adolescent and an adult. If it feels safe, consider what events would make your Top 10?

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