No Hemming and Hawing - Lisa Hirsch & Ann #6

Ann’s mood shifts out of a low spot and she’s started dating someone new. But she’s still frustrated with the time and energy she feels that she wastes by not making clear decisions. 

She talks about her indecision in going to the Burning Man event in Nevada, and how she chose to stay in the first night rather than stay up with a friend. Her therapist Lisa Hirsch helps her observe and reframe the situation as self-care, steering Ann away from her pattern of negative self-criticism.

Key Takeaway

It’s difficult to make clear decisions when you’re experiencing anxiety, even when the anxiety symptoms aren’t obvious.

Exercise & Reflection

Lisa coaches Ann to observe when her head is clouded by anxiety and to label her thoughts like, “These are my hemming and hawing thoughts.” Once you can see and name a mental pattern, it’s easier to shift. First, change your physiology. Becoming more relaxed — like with a few deep breaths or meditation — can help you get some relief so that you can start talking back to those thoughts when they arrive.

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Permission to Rest - Lisa Hirsch & Ann #7


The Flash Technique - Yakov Barton & Ned #2 (BONUS)